Advent of Code 2017 in R: Day 2

Day 2 of the Advent of Code provides us with a tab delimited input consisting of numbers 2-4 digits long and asks us to calculate its “checksum”. checksum is defined as the sum of the difference between each row’s largest and smallest values. Awesome! This is a problem that is well-suited for base R.

I started by reading the file in using read.delim, specifying header = F in order to ensure that numbers within the first row of the data are not treated as variable names.

When working with short problems like this where I know I won’t be rerunning my code or reloading my data often, I will use file.choose() in my read.whatever functions for speed. file.choose() opens Windows Explorer, allowing you to navigate to your file path.

input <- read.delim(file.choose(), header = F)

# Check the dimensions of input to ensure the data read in correctly.

After checking the dimensions of our input, everything looks good. As suspected, this is a perfect opportunity to use some vectorization via the apply function.

row_diff <- apply(input, 1, function(x) max(x) - min(x))
checksum <- sum(row_diff)

Et voilĂ , the answer is 45,972! Continue reading Advent of Code 2017 in R: Day 2