Thank you very much to the lovely Feben Alemu for pointing me in the direction of as a means of ensuring we never have to go without a brilliant title! With great power comes great responsibility.
Statistical functionals are any real-valued function of a distribution function ,
. When
is unknown, nonparametric estimation only requires that
belong to a broad class of distribution functions
, typically subject only to mild restrictions such as continuity or existence of specific moments.
For a single independent and identically distributed random sample of size ,
, a statistical functional
is said to belong to the family of expectation functionals if:
takes the form of an expectation of a function
with respect to
is a symmetric kernel of degree
A kernel is symmetric if its arguments can be permuted without changing its value. For example, if the degree ,
is symmetric if
If is an expecation functional and the class of distribution functions
is broad enough, an unbiased estimator of
can always be constructed. This estimator is known as a U-statistic and takes the form,
such that is the average of
evaluated at all
distinct combinations of size
For more detail on expectation functionals and their estimators, check out my blog post U-, V-, and Dupree statistics.
Since each appears in more than one summand of
, the central limit theorem cannot be used to derive the limiting distribution of
as it is the sum of dependent terms. However, clever conditioning arguments can be used to show that
is in fact asymptotically normal with mean
and variance
The sketch of the proof is as follows:
- Express the variance of
in terms of the covariance of its summands,
- Recognize that if two terms share
common elements such that,
conditioning on their
shared elements will make the two terms independent.
- For
, define
such that
Note that when
, and when
- Use the law of iterated expecation to demonstrate that
and re-express
as the sum of the
Recognizing that the first variance term dominates for large
, approximate
- Identify a surrogate
that has the same mean and variance as
but is the sum of independent terms,
so that the central limit may be used to show
- Demonstrate that
converge in probability,
and thus have the same limiting distribution so that
For a walkthrough derivation of the limiting distribution of for a single sample, check out my blog post Getting to know U: the asymptotic distribution of a single U-statistic.
This blog post aims to provide an overview of the extension of kernels, expectation functionals, and the definition and distribution of U-statistics to multiple independent samples, with particular focus on the common two-sample scenario.
Continue reading Much Two U About Nothing: Extension of U-statistics to multiple independent samples